6 research outputs found

    the case of Brazil

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    The authors are grateful for the participation of the people who sent photos of the localities affected by the oil spill disaster and are also grateful for the support of the Laboratory of Cartography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (GeoCart-UFRJ). Specifically, Dra. Raquel Souto is grateful for the assistance granted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, through the Brazilian National Post-doctoral Program, which made it possible to carry out this and other research on participatory mapping in the last three years. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. All rights reserved.Many maritime disasters lead to oil pollution, which undermines ecosystem balance, human health, the prosperity of countries and coastal areas across borders, and people’s livelihoods. This is a problem that affects the whole world. Governments must strive to ensure that operations in the marine environment are safe and avoid oil pollution by adopting methods that anticipate future scenarios to mitigate the effects of this pollution when it occurs. This study investigates a method of managing contaminated coastal areas, aiming to contribute to the management of the environmental crisis caused by disasters through the use of online collaborative mapping by volunteer collaborators. Volunteer collaborators have been sending georeferenced data and photographs of locations affected by pollution.publishersversionpublishe

    Implementation of Good Practices in Environmental Licensing Processes

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    One of the main command and control mechanisms for the environment is the environmental licensing process. However, the isolated adoption of this mechanism has not satisfactorily ensured the environmental quality of natural resources. On the other hand, an increasing number of organizations are voluntarily adhering to good environmental practices. As a result, approximating the relationship between command and control instruments (state regulation) and good practices becomes increasingly important for improving the environmental performance of organizations. Within this context, the present work proposes to evaluate how good environmental practices can strengthen and advance current environmental licensing models adopted in South America. This research consists of an exploratory case study, conducted with a qualitative approach. Several countries in South America were evaluated because of the great natural resources that the region has, as well as the European Economic Community, due to their adoption of the so-called “best available techniques” of environmental management since 1996. The results of the study indicated that voluntary adherence to international environmental management standards has evolved in the analyzed countries and that environmental agencies in South American countries could establish legal bases to consolidate the inclusion of good environmental practices in environmental licensing processes. It was also observed that some benefits could be given to organizations that implement good environmental practices, such as granting of licenses with extended terms; debureaucratization (with time gain) of administrative procedures; exemption or reduction of fees; and facilitation of financing. This study could thus support debates for the effective advancement of the current environmental licensing model. However, this hypothesis must be evaluated and consolidated through further research, carried out individually for each country analyzed

    Analiza oparta na badaniach postrzegania przez młode pokolenie zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce

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    Understanding the perception of Sustainable Development can help to identify misconceptions surrounding the concept in order to design better education plans and public policies on this subject. Evaluating the perception of sustainability issues by focusing on the young generation as is an important proxy to imagine what the future holds for in terms of addressing sustainable development. We conducted 177 in-person interviews on a heterogeneous group of students and random volunteers in four cities in Poland to assess their perception of Sustainable Development. The vast majority (89.3%) of the respondents were familiar with the term 'Sustainable Development'. However, part of them (57%) associated it only to the human and social development dimensions and its institutions, whereas 17.5% related it with its environmental aspects. The results supported by the literature review highlight challenges concerning the path towards a comprehensive perception of Sustainable Development and hence the achievement of the SDGs. Based on these results, we identify opportunities and incentives to bring Poland towards 2030 Agenda.Zrozumienie postrzegania zrównoważonego rozwoju może pomóc w zidentyfikowaniu błędnych przekonań dotyczących tej koncepcji w celu opracowania lepszych planów edukacyjnych i polityk publicznych w tym zakresie. Ocena postrzegania kwestii zrównoważonego rozwoju poprzez skupienie się na młodym pokoleniu, jako ważny wskaźnik pozwalający wyobrazić sobie, co przyniesie przyszłość w zakresie rozwiązywania kwestii zrównoważonego rozwoju. Przeprowadziliśmy 177 wywiadów osobistych na niejednorodnej grupie studentów i przypadkowych wolontariuszy w czterech miastach w Polsce, aby ocenić ich postrzeganie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zdecydowana większość (89,3%) respondentów zna termin „zrównoważony rozwój”. Jednak część z nich (57%) kojarzyła go tylko z wymiarem rozwoju ludzkiego i społecznego oraz jego instytucji, a 17,5% z aspektami środowiskowymi. Wyniki poparte przeglądem literatury podkreślają wyzwania dotyczące ścieżki do wszechstronnego postrzegania zrównoważonego rozwoju, a tym samym osiągnięcia celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Na podstawie tych wyników identyfikujemy szanse i zachęty do zbliżenia Polski do Agendy 2030